Comments (15)

Funny fan art I made
Booby Nights at Bobby Beer
Bobby Bear and Bob the Dog collab when?
I wanna play this game
Story: It has been many years sense the incident at Bobby's Eat-N-Play in 1974,But it's now 2005 and you play as a curious young man named Eddie Fitzgerald who is very intrigued with unsolved crime cases and takes an interest in the unsolved incident at the damned animatronic establishment but he is taking a huge gamble here at risking his life when trying to solve this case.
Gameplay: A new and unique gameplay loop which will make you clicking around the establishment to find answers for your case and finding stuff to the puzzles meanwhile surviving from Bobby and the others expect for one of the animatronics who will be helping you on your journey to solving this case for this one night.
Original Creators:@FazeFazbear-Studios,@FNAF_ANIME1215-2011
2D Artists:@Athas-Toons,@Itsmedreadbear12,@Youy_Hah,@slugbunny,@JolonRa
Voice Actors:@animegrl123-fnaf-fpe,@gocarts3,@DroneProductions,@Sim_Naum
3D Modellers:@SadLonelyDude,@D4dgaming_,@Slime_Boy,@fnaf_gamers100
Animators:@jess-studios-road-to-1000-plz,@Scandys_TG_ #fnaf #fangame #adventure #pointnclick #horror #action #survival #puzzle #analog
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans