
8754 Spring Valley USA Edition - House Simulator
House Simulator: Spring Valley Series, USA Edition.
Hi and welcome to House Simulator, in this game you can pretend as if you have just bought this house and are about to clean and decorate it to make it your own.
Featuring a full suite of tools you can design and decorate the house the way you want.
Suggest any ideas or house designs for the game to be considered into future series.
Estimated Playtime: 1-2 hours (Replayable)
Minimum Hardware:
HD: 5gb+
RAM: 8gb+
CPU: i5+
GPU: Nvidia 1080+
RES: 1280x720+
W,A,S,D = Move player
MOUSE = Look around
LMB = hold & click interactions
MMB = Rotate grabbed object
RMB = Delete grabbed object
E = Special interactions
FUNCTION KEYS = equip tools
P = Reset player position
TAB = Hold to lock player
ESCAPE = Pause
UP/DOWN = BGM Volume
#DIY #HomeImprovements #InteriorDesign #House #Unity #rpg #pointnclick #puzzle #strategy #other
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