
Story (So Far)
1: When students from a high school called "Atermis High" learn of a mystery craft that one found a week ago during a thunderstorm. They soon end up in a mystery place, soon realizing that they recognize this from a school about a legend or rumor about something horrible relating to this school itself. Now they must find a way to be out into their world, but what they survive long enough to see the correct path of escape?
2: Through the world, muiltple others find themselves lost of what is happening to the world, everything becomes dangerous, as monsters and creatures of sorts of sizes lurk around in the woods and forests near cities, towns, and villages. Now its a mystery to find a way to survive, and to remain calm until hopefully everything is normal again. But muiltple locations lead the clues to find the truth of what is going on. Will they find the truth? Or will they die trying?
Locational Parts In Game 📍
Grade 4 Children's School 🏫 (Side Lore 1)
St. Dilation's Hospital 🏥 (Side Lore 1)
Mertet St. Lexis Street Abandoned House 🏚 (Side Lore 2)
Marlite & Gabigot City 🌇 (Side Lore 2)
Woodlen Lewisham Forest 🌲 (Side Lore 1)
Abandoned Village Of Leroy Hills 🏘 (Side Lore 2)
This game is a Rpg game that is based on the following genres:
-Very Few Romance
-And Lastly Puzzle
Characters Will Introduced Through Updates And Character Introduction Posts Specifically! #horror #rpg #puzzle #other #survival #analog