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Azulette The Circle
HTML coding of Azulette The Circle
Azulette The Circle is a prequel to Bluey The Circle 2. staring Bluey's "Girlfriend", Azulette goes on a quest to find Bluey's whereabouts after disappearing into Dark Valley Zone without a trace. Azulette travels through the entirety of South Circle Island while monologuing to herself about him on the journey. She has to dodge NXcubes not even created by Cubelord but by Cube-press, Cubelord's also aforementioned "Girlfriend". Her intents are to destroy Azulette and to also take over the world while also having competition with Cubelord. Go through BTC1-styled bitmaps and dodge obstacles on the way to Cube-press and to solve where is Bluey? #action #adventure #platformer #retro #other
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans
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