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A Popcorn Game - A Game Developer's Story

Version: 0.6.0about 5 years ago

Welcome to "A Popcorn Game"

In a traditional sens this is not really a game, it is more a story about getting ideas for a "Popcorn Game". In this game you needs to be prepared to listen to a lot of talk, and so not much gameplay. So do you NOT like slow games, then this is perhaps not a game for you. But do you like "behind the scenes videos" for movies, and do you like weird indie games, then you will perhaps also like this game.

How to play the game

The game is super easy to play, and all you need to play the game is a mouse and a windows computer. What you have to do will be introduced in the game.

If you want to quit the game press Escape or (Alt + F4)

Sound is important

The game has a lot of voice acted story, and therefor is the sound an important part of this game.

Good luck and have fun

#pointnclick #shooter #altgame #other #ue4 #wierd #story #ideas


I have made a new version of "A Popcorn Game". The main focus for this update was on the music in the game, and the game has now got some background music. I hope this will make you try the game.

Good luck and have fun

Since I first released this game I have made a lot of small improvements to the game. Now you can try the newest version of the game, and here there is better sound quality, better UI, fixed a few bugs, and I have improved a bit of the gameplay.

I have now uploaded the first version of my new game "A Popcorn Game". This is a game about getting an idea for a popcorn game.