
Comments (29)

What do you think?

how to play so hard!!!1! 0/0 z😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Foxy is gamer

The phone at the start of the game doesn't Faz-work

Will Adventurous Nights At Fred Guys 2 have the normal attack animation. Also the phone noise at the start of the game is Faz-gone

I like your games dude


Adventurous Nights At Fred Guys 1.0.5 being fixed AS WE SPEAK!!!

Version: 1.0.5about 2 years ago
A lil bit ago for some reason a few things in my folder for rpg maker mv games got deleted, and apparently the background got deleted. if any other shit is missing tell me please :(

Adventurous Nights At Fred Guys 1.0 broken lol

Version: 1.0.0about 2 years ago
It is done!!! (other than bug fixes!!!)

Adventurous Nights At Fred Guys DEMO

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago
This is a demo of a game I'm making in RPG maker mv. This IS just a demo, so the graphics will be updated later. Also this is my first game I've made so if you see anything that could be changed to improve the game, please let me know!

At the pizzeria on July 14th 2001, a bunch of Endobros are doing some evil stuff or something like that and you have to deal with it #rpg #fnaf

Also Johnny from Baldis Basics Adventure likes it. #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Fantasy Violence
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mature Humor

Sun and Moon designs. I call them Suhn and Muhn.

Adventurous Nights At Fred Guys characters if they were HOT

Problem: Face was drawn in the wrong pixel size

Solution: Don't do anything and hope nobody notices

I love the phrase "stupid idiot stupid."

Thank you Object Show 87 episode 3 timestamp 0:28-0:31

ANAFG 2 was going to be about the Toy Collectable animatronics and would be based on fnaf 2. I wanna share their designs soon cause they were really good.

Happy birthday Five Freddys Night At

Fred Guys, Fred Girls, and Fred Nonbinaries, I am pleased to announce that the August 5th FNAF collab is a collaboration between Five Nignts At Freddys, and the hit indie game, Adventurous Nights At Fred Guys! I will not elaborate!

Ummm okay SO in ANAFG 2 the YELLOW BEAR is named "Yellowbaer" and the ROBOT HEAD OF THE WHITE FOX is named "Mongle Enbro 02 Head".

Just sayin that because I think I might of messed up their names in the top of the textbox once or twice but idk soooo ye

You shouldn't be here right now.

I'm gonna make an ANAFG 2 page soon. With that I'll also post a demo! :D

(Unlike the first game, the demo is only gonna be like a third of the length of the final game instead of, like, 2 thirds.)