Comments (8)
I stumbled across this game randomly, and this ARTSTYLE is eye-candy to me. I dunno how to describe it, really I don't. this is just such a aesthetically pleasing game to me.
Can i make a clickteam edition of this game?
its doing that with me too
This is a FNaF 1 fangame based on an Alternate Universe I made. This is its story:
It's 2014 and a videogame called "Five Nights At Freddy's" was released a few weeks ago and it was really really popular. Our main protagonist, Elijah, was really interested in the game. His classmates also talked about FNaF and were discussing who will complete the game faster. Elijah comes in and claims he will complete it in one day. His classmates said alright, but if he didn't complete it in one day he will have to pay for everyone's lunch. Elijah comes home and downloads FNaF. After trying many many times, he gets tired. Elijah starts seeing online that it's possible to hack the game's archives to fully complete the game. He tries to do that, but, he messes up the archives. Which results in these scary characters taking place instead of the original animatronics. Elijah tried to play one more attempt, and got jumpscared by the golden bear. After that, he went to sleep and had really bad nightmares about those creatures. The next day he came to school saying that his game's archives got corrupt and now the animatronics were scary creatures. His classmates didn't believe him, obviously, and asked him for proof. When he came back home, he realized the game's archives were empty. He tried redownloading the game, and everything was normal again. Even if the game is normal for him now, he'll never forget those creatures. #fnaf #fangame #horror #pointnclick