
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Hey, just gave this a try. Seems quite nice from what I saw. Though I did run into a problem with opening the chest on the hill since I couldn't go back down the ladder. Other things such as music could be added in for more atmosphere but so far it's decent.

I'm aware you're sort of new to the software but I see you eventually doing well with creating things in the future, just takes time and dedication. :D


The Young Heroine: The First Build: 1.1.0

Version: 1.0.0almost 8 years ago
The very first build of the game

"The Young Heroine 1.1.1"

Version: 1.1.1almost 8 years ago
The Young Heroine Build 2 Contains a bit of an upgrade featuring a HUD for players to see some of the stats.

The Young Heroine 1.1.2

Version: 1.1.3almost 8 years ago
In this update of the game, you will get to explore the expanded part of the sister's room. You will also see a new introduction

The Young Heroine 1.2.0 (Chapter 1.2 Preview)

Version: 1.2.0over 7 years ago
In this build, you will get a look at a preview for chapter 1.2. I will also introduce Angel Summons. You will be able to meet two angels in Kindness Village.

"The Young Heroine " 1.2.1

Version: 1.2.1over 7 years ago
New in this build: - Angels Guild: You can now be a member of the Angels Guild without paying a fee - Several new folks have appeared in Kindness Village .... - New HUD layout in battle for the MAC version of the build

"The Young Heroine" 1.2.2 [Private]

Version: 1.2.2over 7 years ago
This build is a test build for the build for later on tonight.

"The Young Heroine" Build 7.4.17

Version: 7.4.17over 7 years ago
The 4th of July build for the game. Includes new content including Angel Guild and more

"The Young Heroine" Build 1.2.4

Version: 1.2.4over 7 years ago
Build 1.2.4 is the final build in terms of chapter 1 of the story. See how the chapter ends. Will Luna be ok?

"Angelic Saviors of Kindness Village" 2.1.0

Version: 2.1.0over 7 years ago
This is the first build with the new title of "Angelic Saviors of Kindness Village". In this build, you will be able to check out a preview of the first part of chapter 2. Also, you will be able to play with a new character who is a ranger class. You will learn more about this character in build 2.1.1. I also included a gold to Angel Token conversion system.

"Angelic Saviors of Kindness Village" [Version 2.1.1]

Version: 2.1.1over 7 years ago
In this new version of the game, you can expect to learn more about this new character (default name: Francis). You will find out about his troubled past as well as what lies ahead for Freya. You will also be able to use a spear for the first time with a pop-up ranger shop. I also included a bit of surprises. I included a Spirit Points system where you can use Spirit Moves. These help your team in several ways. To kick it off, I introduce the move Spirit Heal, which allows you to heal 20 HP to a selected ally, then it will give you a number input section where you select how much HP you give as a bonus to all of your team members. Not only that, I also let you rename Freya as well (Effects in dialogue will take place later)

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Title Theme - "The Young Heroine"

A mysterious curse developed over the Kindness Planet and has caused several sicknesses. One victim, Freya's young sister, Luna, was affected, but this was just part of a plot to try to get rid of her. Will Freya be able to save her young sister, or will both of them be wiped from existence?

Current Build as of September 5th, 2017:
Version 2.1.1

Thank you for waiting for the next build of the game. I apologize if the build took a long time to make, but I wanted to make sure the mechanics were correctly implemented. In this build, 


  • The Ranger's Story: You will be able to learn about the past of the ranger character. This character has a sad past which will be explained further in build 2.1.2 later on in September or so. 

  • Renaming Feature: You will be able to rename Freya for the first time. Just note the official renaming feature will not be complete until build 2.1.2 later on this month 

  • Spirit Points: You will be able to test out a new mechanic called Spirit Points. These points can be used for Spirit Moves which will be further explained in build 2.1.2. For this kick off event, you will be able to test it with the move "Spirit Heal", which heals 20 HP to the selected ally AND gives the entire party bonus HP healing based on how many Spirit Points you want to use. 


  • New HUD Look: The HUD in battle gets a brand new look for this build. On the left side, the Star Power and the Spirit Points are in opposite directions. Spirit Points will be colored in downward, while Angel Power will be colored upward. This was inspired by the Eleth Break Meter in Tales of Graces. On the middle is the team standing in terms of name and HP. To the right is the leaders HP and actor face, which is also inspired by Tales of Graces. 

  • ATB Battle Mode returns: The ATB battle system makes a return. This system will be used for the game due to a few mechanics I am implementing. Some of the mechanics will use Yanfly's plugins. 


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!