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Angry Neighbor Godot
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Angry Neighbor Godot

Version: 5.1.53 months ago

Angry Neighbor Godot (Old test)

Version: 0.0.13 months ago
Самая старая версия игры ANG

RUS:Angry Neighbor Godot - Фанатский мод на игру "Angry Neighbor". Мод сделан на другом движке, отличия от игры.

Вы игрок. Который переехал в новый дом. В город "Мухонсранк". Но в этом городе случилось происшествия. Пропал ребенок "Алексей Антроп", сын "Михаила Антропова". Все подозрение попадают на вашего соседа "Бориса Арно . Сам сосед себя странно ведет. Он не выходит на улицу и с его дома были слышны странные крики, из подвала.

Вы решаетесь проникнуть в его дом и разгадать его тайны

EN: Angry Neighbor Godot is a fan mod for the game "Angry Neighbor". The mod is made on a different engine, different from the game.

You are a player. Who moved into a new house. To the city of Mukhonsrank. But there were accidents in this city. The missing child is "Alexey Antropov", the son of "Mikhail Antropov". All suspicion falls on your neighbor "Boris Arno. The neighbor himself is acting strangely. He does not go outside and strange screams were heard from his house, from the basement.

You decide to break into his house and unravel his secrets

#adventure #puzzle #fangame #horror #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Hello! I'm Grigow. An aspiring developer of games based on the Godot 4 engine. I am creating my own mod, called "Angry Neighbor Godot". I will be very grateful if you try to play the mod. Thanks for your attention!