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Mugen AniBits First-Chi (Normal Edition)

Version: 1.0.0over 2 years ago
Enter the first of your many adventures through a chibi multiverse^^ This is not the Demon Brother Edition, look forward to that update and more going forward

AniBits First-Chi (Demon Brothers Edition)

Version: 2.0.0about 2 years ago
Enter the first of your many adventures through a chibi multiverse ^^ future updates and more are planned going forward so be prepared to update and have some fun

What The??? all the characters have been chibified!!!, Launch a flurry of devastating attacks in a cute, but fierce tourny of power to see who is the strongest in all the universe and is worthy I receiving their original body back. Can you step up to the challenge and make your way to the top? #fangame #action #arcade #multiplayer

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

Hello, Mugen enjoyers finally after reaching our goals Anibits DB Edition has been Released!! come check out the new update and more coming down the line, thank you for supporting this Mugen game ^^

Congratulations everyone We have hit our release goals and Demon Brothers edition will now be released soon

Anibits Demon Brothers Edition is a more well rounded balanced and fun complete version of Anibits. We are only 34 views away from it being released, if you are interested in it, come give it a shot and join us in epic fights across anime

Demon Brothers Edition Trailer

AnibitsFirst-Chi (Demon Brothers Edition) Trailer 1
Fixed Reupload Download AniBits (Normal Edition) Here:

Demon Brothers Edition release at 200 views and 20 downloads