
Comments (24)

What do you think?

Nice graphics! I included it in my 365 Indies Jam 2017 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

I liked it over all. The only problem I have is the controls, I think if you changed them up to be a bit more natural that it would be smoother to play.^~^

pixel art demais e mecânica bem original, tentem continuar com o projeto que acho q é sucesso

que jogo perfeito

Cacetada, que jogo legal!!! Gostei demais da mecânica, da arte e dos efeitos sonoros!

Muito bom as habilidades e características de todos os personagens também, faz o jogador mudar de estratégia e isso muda a forma de jogar. Muito bacana!

Na tela inicial fiquei meio perdido, mas depois a jogabilidade flui de forma excelente.



Anima - Final version

Version: 0.3.4over 2 years ago
Joystick support and balanced

An arcade-style game developed for #365indiesjam2017, which theme was “The Death is Useful”.

Heavily inspired by the 1991 arcade game Avenging Spirit/Phantasm, my idea here was to gather approval to the game’s possession mechanics, so i opted to make an endless game experimenting replay value. Hope you like it!

Music by Bruno Costa (


You initially control the spirit Anima, and the only way she can harm the enemies is by possessing them and turning against the enemies. When the enemy you are possessing dies, you are expelled from the body and have to search for a new one to possess, before your Spirit Gauge goes to 0.



Keyboard | Xbox Joystick

  • P | Start button: Pause

  • V | X button: Confirm

When possessing:

Keyboard | Xbox Joystick

  • Left, right: Move

  • Down: Fall through platforms

  • X | A: Jump

  • V | X: Action

  • Hold Up: Force unpossession

When not possessing:

Keyboard | Xbox Joystick

  • Arrow keys | D-Pad, Analog: Move

  • V | X: Possess

Mild Cartoon Violence

Thanks for your feedback!