Comments (4)
great game! you made some good jumpscare with nice timing, wonder why nobody plays this.. just if i could give some opinion maybe good to have random appearing of ''stalker'' so u gotta hide more often or be careful, it gave good scaring atmosphere which is almost most important so this is good. so, maybe abit lesser tropy to collect and more caring about the stalker maybe gave it a greater improvement, just my thought xD very nice work!
and sorry for skipping most of the part of note. it would take too much time for a lets play.
(japanese lets play video)
Hostile Stare
We present the alpha version of the game Hostile Stare.
Imagine for a moment: an old hotel, a mystical story, many secrets. You - Stalker, who will find out what is happening in this mysterious place. Now it remains only one question: is there anyone in the hotel besides you? We created this game to show an intriguing and scary story. You will see a good game that will definitely interest you.