Comments (1)
Welcome to ARTSYRUNE; a thing that was an inside joke from the Discord server I'm in, that turned into a game.
~There's dogs, well, ONE tiny, black dog! All he does is stare though...
~A sheep lady with an axe!
~A guy with a VR headset! (seriously?? how does he see?)
~A dog boy capable of magic! (Uh, okay then.)
~A Terminator Wannabe! (Sorry Jevil, he took your home dude.)
~A pink haired Lancer! (Uh, that's me .-.")
~It seems the black dog from earlier ended up multiplying in the trash can.
~ Spider Boi.
~ Characters from my own stupid Undertale AU came back!
~Oh god the dogs are out of control.
~Bone trousling and Checkering!
~Some weird shy guy!
~People who can't talk right!
~Human version of Goat Mom! (oh dear..)
Please, stay tune! ArtsyRune isn't going to be cancelled, this is a project being worked on by me for the moment (and ONLY me), so it's gonna be a rather long time before you can expect anything!
#undertale #deltarune #au #adventure #fangame #rpg #textadventure