
Comments (14)

What do you think?

It's kinda weird that when I clicked on the rust labyrinth door, it didn't open.


lethal character bad, remove leth- wait this joke was already done before.

Can You Make a Open Source Soon?

how do I play it after I installed it?


BBCCS 4 The Epic School

Version: 1.0.0about 4 years ago

The 2nd map of BBCCS 4. I hope you enjoy.

If you wanna send me maps and stuff then you can join the BBCCS community which is here:


xTPSx - Map Creator

Mystman12 - Creator of Baldi's basics aswell as the Joe's ultimate bus ride music.

Paulor94 - Custom mode, Minigames image and randomly spawned items and The Test script

GWAYThan - Billy, Frank, Logan, Jasper, Trey and Mocking Guy idea

ToffeeRecord - Made the Serious Lee Buisnesstim, Paranoia, Power Generator , Slappy McBelterz, Snippy Scissorson, Annoyered-Business-Men and Tallymark Undersim aswell as 3 new items idea(s).

TEMGaming - Jakc, TEXE, Noir Baldi, Mr. Nice Guy and #31P idea.

MrDrNose - Phonty, Doggos and Mr. Mix

Clearly - Phonty Help

TEXE - Zach and Wallace Garman idea

Kayip - Made the crate texture and Burger and Pizza vending machine texture

TheBaldiModder452 - Delilah Dazzle character

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!