
Comments (5)

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so i figured out the combat for those who are struggling when the shapes are getting to much shoot them and left click on them when there dead to finish them. after the first fight theirs a sign that tells you that. devs please put the sighs after the player dies or before the first fight. i took another swing at that goblin as i said i would and won . took me a few trys but i beat them by matching as fast as i could and keep spamming spells as often as i could and healed whenever they tryed attacking me. quite fun to pick apart the mechanics and learn how to properly fight in that game. tip 2 heal only when your low or when that skull appears to undo the attack you cant do it often so make sure to pay attention and use it only when you need it. combat is fun i love when combat makes you use your abilities wizly to counter attacks and other abilities. i have to dox points tho on me having to learn the way i did tho the shapes were annoying as hell not knowing how to permanently kill them.

characters relatable and cute finding npcs in roofs trees walking around and talking to me about there life like that 1 guards complaining about post and there job. main character getting up late i relate to that. falling in the pit and getting my partner up. finding recourse's when my character is poking at something with a stick. all fun.

i didn't expect to interact with the environment as much as i did 10/10 and solved the puzzle in that underwater place. sign told me lose a fight is an option and i usually hate puzzles i figured it out don't ask me how i did but i got scared for a minute XD top 3 pull up grass to get money and click on everything you never know when something us usfull treat the environment like a 90s adventure game. not only dose it look awesome and like another world as a fantasy game should but its also intractable 10/10

i love breast expansion and we have that here i only hope it dosnt get belly expansion as i never got why people like that but hay to each there Owen i guess tho sins that's not here the extra points i give on this is purely personal.

tho you'd still get them if what you wanted bigger on your characters was optional again optional. :P i hate it when games force me to change my look or change something i like into something i don't like . for instance i like a serten armor in a game but i have to go with the dumber looking armor because its better and ill die without it. ( appreciate vanity slots in terraria ) but we dont have belly's here for now so i like everything so far ^w^

finally abit of criticism

game is good as i've said but boy is it an info dump right now. a few things come in after i figure things out of find out something on my Owen the hard way. and theirs still some mystery's going on like that shell puzzle i know its a puzzle but i cant move shells so ??? but hay its not perfect but an idiot like me learned it so its working just needs fine tuning.

so misc stuff 1 i see that the moon has one of those upgrade things on it what happened there? 2 can i heal that girl who had something dropped on her head? XD 3 can i grow the hop owners tits to? and 4 i hope we get items to ingress encounter rates for grinding i like how i can walk threw areas without encountering anything tho i imagine it will be hell later. so an item to incress it would be nice. you have what i wish Pokemon has for encounter rates in caves.

so ya took me abit but i figured most of it out XD


BE Witches

Version: 0.1.12 months ago

Battle Monstergirls through a never seen before blend of Match-3 puzzles and Shoot 'em up!


Explore a colorful world with a unique dungeon crawling and Point & click gameplay mix!


Let the titular BE take place and increase your stats and your baps through the power of Amplification! (they get bigger btw)


And much more! Expect...

  • A super cool Genesis/Megadrive style soundtrack!

  • A varied and colorful cast of characters

  • An ecchi game, not a hentai game!

  • BOOBA?

  • Synthesizing spells and equipment through alchemy

  • An unpredictable story

  • Lil jokes an' all that

  • Every Monstergirl you fight is playable! Over 20 in total!

  • Every playable character can be amplified (BOOBA!)

  • Never seen before boob sizes in a video game (BOOBAAAAAAAA

  • A game that could stand on its own even without the boobs. But I just love boobs too much

This version of BE Witches is still a WIP, everything is subject to change! You can learn more about the game's development and monstergirl poll on my Patreon page:

Enjoy! ^^

FAQ + Walktrhough here!

#puzzle #rpg #pointnclick #shooter #dungeoncrawler #adventure #magic #witch #cute #nsfw #erotic #boob

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

I revealed the new Tiger girl redraw by Bulumblebee, and more:

Rank 2 here:

A new QoL update has been uploaded! It's available right now!