Game Community
Battle_Collection-Team Publish Group
3 Members

Comments (3)

What do you think?

nice game

is there going to be a phases 2 in the game?


Battle_Collection!Ink Sans Fight

Version: 1.0.1over 1 year ago

Current version: v1.0.1

Made by Battle_Collection Team (Main:SofGetMyS) #undertale #fangame #inksans

bilibili link: SofGetMyS的个人空间-SofGetMyS个人主页-哔哩哔哩视频 (

youtube link: SofGetMyS - YouTube

team discord link: Discord | #大厅 | Battle_Collection-Team

Stages currently in production:2

The final inter pretation belongs to me.

enjoy it ;)


a note:

the game will to use a new template: UndereXaMPlE, but this template is still in development

so this game will use this template in v2.0.0

to be continued...

This is help message:

I seem to have encountered some difficulties: "sprites"

so, i need a painter

(Although my economic budget is very insufficient. Need a free painter.)

I will thank you for your help if u can help.

(machine translation)
