
Comments (34)

What do you think?


Don't forget to delete system 32 to make this game run faster

Too many games requiring a controller, which I don't have.

I've played it a bit, lots of fun! Kinda reminds me of super crate box. I tried to use a joystick with it but that didn't work, I used the controller binding in the settings, but still no. Any suggestions to make it work with my joystick? (It's logitech brand, I think.)

Tried the game out, learned the controls through the tutorial, then proceeded to play. I had NO clue what was going on in the game, how I was progressing, or what leveling up did for me. And I was okay with that, because it was frantic fun the whole time with good gun tunes and really nice background art. Lots of memories of Super Crate Box from this.

Had a devil of a time making progress. Barely managed to reach Sparta.

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BeardedBear Alpha

Version: 0.2.5about 8 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Shooter Boss Song



if you like this game and you want to be always updated about it, we would love you to join our community in our BeardedBear Discord Server!


is a frenetic arena arcade roguelite shooter about a cyborg bear with a mighty beard that shoots aliens through time and space.

The Story

Once upon a time there was a sleeping bear. A scientist was passing by and seeing him he thought: "I'm sure that if I give him a super powerful beard with time-travel powers and I turn him into a cyborg he will become an awesome weapon against an alien invasion." Guess what? The next day storms of aliens invade the Earth. The rest is history.


We aim to provide the most dynamic gameplay possible, and to achieve this goal we introduced two key features: the weapon system and the exp system.

The Weapon System

Weapons are created by the combination of a weapon type and a bullet type. Everything is possible: pistols that shoots bullets, shotguns that shoots arrows, miniguns that shoots other miniguns, even flamethrowers that shoots poisoned darts!
Keep an eye on them, because those will lasts only for 15 seconds each. So be sure to always have a fresh gun on your hairy hands!

Exp and Powerup System

You have to always keep on moving because the experience left behind on the ground doesn't disappear, but goes to the enemies! Not only you are able to collect the experience and level up, choosing a powerup. The aliens can steal your experience and force you to choose a powerup for them, so move fast and don t let them take it!


Gorgeous handcrafted pixelart! The main theme of the game is time travelling, this give us the opportunity to present you an awesome view of a characteristic place in a precise time set for each level, from a prehistorical era to the futuristic death of the universe passing by Babylon, ancient Greece, Middle age, Renaissance, and other crucial period of our history!


The music is made by a base (unique for every weapon type) and a lead (unique for every bullet type), this grants you a soundtrack for every weapon combination possible! In addition to being always original and different every time, it also lets you know instantly what weapon type you have at the moment.


Thanks to the simple control scheme of the game, it can be played with anything that have at least six inputs!
Your hands are always on your good old keyboard? Play with the classic and timeless charm of a keyboard!
You have a huge TV and you want the comfort of your couch? Play with the gamepad!
You are a nostalgic guy from the 80s and you want the awesome feel of a joystick and big round buttons? You can play with an arcade stick flawlessly!


  • 7 entirely balanced and playable levels out of 16 (the remaining ones are already programmed but lack the graphics assets)

  • 12 unique weapon types out of ??? (We don't know how many weapon types the final product will has. The only thing we know about that is that we want to put a lot of them.)

  • 14 unique bullet types out of ??? (Same as weapon types)

  • 7 different enemy types, each with four evolutive stages

  • 3 mid bosses (They lack of some animation and stuff like that but are already playable in the demo)

  • 20 different player upgrades out of ???

  • 15 different enemy upgrades out of ???

  • 4 combo bonus power ups

  • 7 different beard types, each with their own pros and cons out of 10 (Some of them needs a rework because they are pretty unbalanced right now)

  • Looping system with Timetempests, timewarps, and timeshifts!

  • Gamepad support

  • Local coop mode

  • Fun/hard mode

  • Daily challenge system (yes, it's already implemented, but it uses our current server and it's not very stable. We'll redo it with the Steam Leaderboard API when we'll be approved on Steam Greenlight)

Story of the Bear and us

Stefano (a.k.a. Elkiwy) started working on BeardedBear in late 2013, it started as a fun coding exercise but soon it growed to a much more ambitious project. After a year Alberto (a.k.a. Kiiro) joined Stefano and helped it with the sounds and the music for the game, later the two guys meet Giacomo (a.k.a. Hellion) that he shows himself interested in the game, but not in the previous art quality of it, so he joined the team as the graphics guy.

After that we worked hard on the game whenever we had time (basically every day that we weren't morally obligated to study for university) and this is the result of that work. The game is 70% done, all the main mechanics and features are there already, we still need to do a lot of graphic and balancing but we are now starting to see the finish line of it.

Other links

Intense Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

BeardedBear is now live on Kickstarter with a new updated Demo!