So my Grandfather was actually one of the last people to ever communicate with Amelia Earhart. If you google my last name you will find much documentation on the subject ! He was the Chief Radio Officer on the U.S Coastguard cutter "Itasca"! It's kind of the family claim to fame and I inherited some of My Grandfathers original transcripts of his radio communications with Earhart!
So I made a game....instead of Trophies or some kind of Big weapon ! In my game you can hunt through this ancient Aztec kingdom once conquered by the Christians where you will attempt to find Some of my Grand dad's original transcripts! This is not a safe place!... and full of booby-traps, Crock's & Snakes ...hell even the trees are alive! You will need to figure out how this place works in order to find my Easter-Egg :)
Hows that for thinking out of the Box...!
I'm always interested in career opportunities in the Video game industry in orange county california!
Enjoy....if people like this game I just mite add more of these types of Easter eggs in my future games! As a game maker I see more to this art.....