
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Hey there @Chillcraft ! From what i can see this is your first game on GameMaker Studio. It's looking fairly nice for a first try.

I've worked on GameMaker Studio for a long while and for experience i can say it's not a bad engine, but you can surely achieve better results on engines like Unity.

I refused to change to Unity myself because GMS was the only thing i knew and i kept telling myself i would not learn Unity C#, and that i couldn't do so. After a long while of working with GMS and lots of time wasted on creating "basic" stuff for the type of game i was going for, me and the development team saw ourselves forced to change engine to Unity.

At the time of writing this, i wouldn't consider myself a good C# programmer, but i can surely do some basic stuff on Unity. Looking up documentation on Unity and making paralels to GameMaker really help me understand the engine.

Eitheir way, back to your game, it's really looking great and it seems you have potential for a indie game dev ! I suggest you keep going with GMS, if you're more conformtable with it, altought i'd probably recommend you moving to Unity, as it really hurt me to change from GMS to Unity as i'd have to abandon all my GMS knowledge. Turns out not everything was lost, as lots of programming languages have "similair, but different" stuff. It's really a choice of yours then . Keep up the effort and good work.


Blocks (Early Access 1)

Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago

Blocks (Early Access V3.0.0)

Version: 0.3.0about 5 years ago
Sorry about not having Early Access V2.0.0-2.9.9, I lost my files becuase I had to get my hardrive replaced. Anyway, graphics overhaul, added a crap ton of sounds, and more.

A really simple platformer game. As the name suggests, it's B L O C K Y.


I also added some simple ai enemies.

So uh, I finished early access.

Added level 7, Tutorial, and sprinting.