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This game does not reflect my current standard of work, but as one of the first games I made, I am uploading it as a reminder to myself of why I enjoy making games.

BloopBloop is a top-down puzzle-adventure game with branching story paths. You play as BloopBloop, and while living in a world ruled by the evil DumDumDum. You must either defeat or team up with DumDumDum while avoiding enemies, Microsoft Paint artwork, copyrighted midis, horrible collision programming, and random crashing! Navigate through beautifully crafted levels featuring invisible wall mazes with no hints, unavoidable attacks, and large vast empty wastelands of randomly placed stock photo background.

The reason I've uploaded this game is for 2 reasons:
1) To remind myself how much I've grown
2) This game, as bad as it is, was a huge passion project of mine. Sometimes it's easy to lose passion for game development given how hard it can be. Playing this reminds me why I want to be a game developer and designer.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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