
Blue Fish: Reburning
In the coast lines of Africa, the traveller, diving fascinate, Dr. Bob Williams-scientist of Ishvallian ancestry!
Expert, discoverer and public manager of underwater world of whales, he discovers weird actions in the fishes next to coast. And then events occur one aft another: whales and dolphins are attacking passenger boats, make ships sink all around the world. Biting dolphins are attacking people and fish. At this time they are broadcasting live transmissionof famous youtuber person and ninety percent population don't know about waiting extermination from water. Milions of snail leave Mediterranean sea from the south-east france and are eating citizens. in the south of paris people are fighting and finally half of europe is bombarded by the Russians military sea office. Dr. Bob Williams during this events is conducting a conversation with Phd. Martyna whos working on filtration of water and studying knowledge about aquatic plants and she's a passionate of algae. Between them comed to a breakthrough, laboratory microscope confirms theory of Dr. Bob's William's and it is explained that in the water is something like mushrooms, not discovered parasite who's attacking plants and fish, affecting their consciousness. Confrotation beetwen people and ocean is almost cataclysm to the earth. Facing the fact of global dangerous We are personate Phd. Bob Williams who guessed that the cataclysm of the earth is doing by the intelligent forms from outer space. To save the world all the infected living forms must be killed. Will people be able to face it?