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El juego carga al 100%, pero nada pasa

this will be fire


Borgy R demo

Version: 0.5.0about 1 year ago
demo 1

BORGY R es un reboot de la saga de fan games Borgy, con un local diferente al original, historia diferente, y ambientado en una version alterna del universo de five nights at freddy's con leves cambios.

BORGY R es un fan game de la saga de five nights at freddy's. sobrevives 5 noches de 12 a 6 am en un restaurante con animatronicos agresivos. contiene una sexta noche mas una custom night y extras.


el local Borgy´s party house de la franquicia de Borgy busca un nuevo guardia nocturno que vigile las cámaras y se asegure que nadie entre. ese guardia nocturno serás tu, quien pasaras de 5 a 6 noches trabajando. pero ten cuidado, el local tiene animatronicos que deambulan por el local y además actúan de manera agresiva en las noches.


BORGY R is a reboot of the fnaf fan game saga Borgy, with a different location than the original, different story, and set in an alternate version of the five nights at freddy's universe with slight changes.

BORGY R is a fan game of the five nights at freddy's saga. you survive 5 nights from 12 to 6 am in a restaurant with aggresive animatronics. contains a sixth night plus a custom night and extras.


the local Borgy´s party house from the Borgy's franchise is looking for a new night guard who monitors the cameras and makes sure that no one enters. you will be the night guard, who will spend 5 to 6 nights working. but be careful, the place has animatronics that roam the place and also act aggressively at night.

#fangame #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

I wanna return with that and... How did my 4gb ram laptop not explode with these models?


Demo avaliable

camera 01 renders

light // no light


Fliczy's showstage animation test
