
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Great game! I like how the sound effects and the combo sounds makes a song.

Very good game! I like how the sounds are rhythmed.

I wanna say that this game was actually pretty fun for a clone! I also think the sounds were pretty cool, and I like how the changed for the bricks yet not to the point where it is distracting. I have 2 pieces of feedback for you, and that is the first round is really long and I tried to get past it was difficult( I suck at these type of games). The second thing is how fast the power-ups were, and I had a hard time trying gain them. Overall I enjoyed playing this game, and I you should doing what you are doing :)



Version: 0.1.0about 6 years ago

This is a game I made just to help myself get back into making games. It's a clone of breakout with some notable differences:

-The art style is retro but has a clean minimalist look to it.

-There's a combo system where each brick you break without touching the paddle adds to your combo.

-There's screen shake and particles.

-And there's 4 power-ups!

-Extra ball - adds a new ball.

-Meteor - turns your ball into a lightning fast, large, flaming hot ball that breaks through bricks.

-Bomb - right click to make all balls explode, will cost you a life unless you pick up an extra ball afterwards.

-Blaster - puts a blaster on your paddle which you can use to shoot bricks, just be careful not to shoot your own ball.

Other than that it's what you'd expect from a breakout clone. It's a very plain and simple game but I felt like putting it out there to feel like I accomplished something.


move the mouse to move the paddle

left click- launch ball left/shoot blaster

right click - launch ball right/explode

R- retry

esc - quit

#retro #indie #arcade #skill #luck #powerups #breakout #pong #minimalism #pleaseplaymygames

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