Comments (50)

i got this error while fighting splash woman
ok nice game, but it has a lot of bugs, like omega shop is impossible, You forgot the radio music when u get out of the office hall, you forgot that when you finish all 12 cams office will open, and splash women when 50% of her hp script error comes that toy freddy says \f[12]inhale. i read the comment and i hope you will release the full game.
is progress on the new content goin smoothly? be sure to take breaks and go to a healthy paste
my fucking favorite character shitting in every camera time travelling, HOT, im hope this shit game have a complete version soon FOR FUCKING REAL
FNAFB: W.Bonnie's Travels Through Time
Game Soundtrack
Freddy F***boy - The Expirience - A Burning Memory by Plushtrap

W.Bonnie realizes that the pizzeria is quiet, more quiet that normal, so he investigate, and finds out that a lot members from the toys and withered are missing...will Bonnie find out why they are missing,
But most importantly...
Will he find his missing head?
This game will be divided into about 7 act's, and there will be after game bonus boss's to fight, as well as DLC planed.

Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw for creating the Five Nights at F*ckboy's 1, 2 and 3
Sivelos for their work on the FNaFb series, making games such as Five Nights at F*ckboy's: Golden Edition 1, 2, FNAFB: Puppet Man's Excellent Expedition and Five Nights at F**kboy's: Sister Location.
RottyTopaz for being a best influence on the series, providing Golden Freddy's Debauchery Simulator 1986 and Five Nights at F*ckboy's: Dancing All Night.
Sonic42303 and FangTheFreak for Endoskeleton's Debauchery Quest's character personalities.
Egg_Sandvich for the characters from his fangames and providing a lot of character graphics in general.
greenfang95's Five Nights at F*ckboy's 4 for being the biggest inspiration for the F*ckboy's House era.
AxelLino126 for Five Nights at F**kboys: Molten Freddy's Choleric Voyage, as the first DLC will take the city map, and it's characters, as well as trinkets.
TheBlueDocter for being a good friend.
Team anomaly for Five Nights at F***boy's ULTIMATE, which was used as a base for the game.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Crass Humor