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Bullet: soul bounded teaser demo

Version: 0.0.9about 4 years ago
a demo of what the game looks like before we started throwing most of the RPGMakerMV assets away. mostly made to give people a taste of the story. there are still some spelling errors that are planned to be fixed

this is a story about love, war, but most importantly dreams. play as bullet and figure out what's going on in the dream realm and save it from mass destruction caused by HATE

the bullet team:
HTG&M: composer, game maker
SonamyAlex: artist
wahooklonoapii_: artist
Jeyrolami: volunteer artist
Isaac Sousam: map designer, database manager
Acm240: helper, video advertiser/editor
reno๐ŸŒ™: helper
Valdimar64: helper
more team members to be added...

#fangame #rpg #adventure #action #DREAMON #klonoa

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

A0.56.0: the first demo build?

A0.55.0 is now released. let me know what you think and what need to be improved in the comments. i also got a new microphone that sounds way better then the recordings that i did that is in the game so im going to redo some lines soon so stay tuned.

A0.54.0 has been released and introduces the concept of voice acting. based on what you guys seen in this build do you want to continue with the voice acting concept. (we currently have 3 volunteer VA if we continue with the voice acting in the game)

ย  0 votes Voting finished

so its been decided that RPG Maker MV will be the thing we will use to make the game going forward. i will credit all the plugins i used to make this build in the next update for Bullet: Shots Fired.

the MV port of the game has been released to see if you guys want to transition to MV. just vote to see what you guys want to keep.

ย  2 votes Voting finished

thanks @jonnil for trying out the latest version of Bullet: Shots Fired. everyone go check his latest game sticky paws!!!

links for sticky paws:

read article.

im going to be busy this month.

(for people who is reading the article note im still working on it, but development is going to go real slow due to this event(read article) so i might post a test build this month. if not then please wait till next month)

im about to start development on boss fights, but im thinking of getting rid of having two battle mode types and sticking with one. so its going to be a choice to see what you want as a battle system. please vote to help me decide.

ย  1 vote Voting finished

if you played the latest test build you may have noticed DLC as a thing in the main menu. i have many planned. as soon as the main game releases i will start work on these, but thats a pretty far ways right now. please stay tuned for more future updates!