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Bunnies can Fly

Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago

Bunnies can fly... on the FLUFFSTEP SKYBRIDGE!

Help your bunny fly east for the winter by timing your jumps correctly. Outrun tomorrow's sun too avoid winter until spring!


  • Tap or click at the start to begin charging your bunny. Mash to increase your bunny's charge. If your bunny charges enough, it can begin its journey later in the day!

  • The Fluffstep Skybridge is covered in winter mist clouds. Hitting a ramp will launch your bunny far above them. When in the air, tap or click with proper timing to bounce off of the floating blocks.

    • TRIANGLE - Tap on impact! There's no penalty for tapping in the air, so feel free to mash if you see a triangle coming.

    • SQUARE - Tap when the square fills.

    • CIRCLE - Tap when the circle fills. This block fills much slower than the square.

    • Tapping to early or too late after landing on a block will slow your bunny down enough for tomorrow's sun to catch it.

    • Pay attention to the blocks' sounds. The circle and square will finish their odd tunes right before the bunny can jump!

    • When things get faster, there's no need to worry! Each shape comes from a different angle for easier identification at high speeds.

  • Things get trickier later in the day, but the rewards are worth it!

  • For every multiple of 5000 points your bunny obtains, they will begin moving faster after landing on the skybridge.

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