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0.3 Fixed Update

Version: 0.3.1almost 2 years ago
fixed some serious bugs. Partially changed main menu. New challenges

update 0.3

Version: 0.3.0almost 2 years ago
5 new rooms. new 3D models. New room textures. New Enlightenment. Squatting. Bug fixes. New main menu. And much more

update 0.2

Version: 0.2.0almost 2 years ago
10+ new rooms 1 new monster 9+ new items hard mod (beta test) new puzzles (generator, ritual, keys, electrical wiring, etc.)

The Bunker

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago
after the start of the apocalypse, you hid in a bunker, but the food was running out and led to the fact that there is a choice. Go outside to find food (certain death), or try to open the door to another room. Having done this, you found a room that goes further. And the bunker does not end...


the update of the bunker is a little delayed due to personal problems, but there will be more in the update

continuation of the previous post: example finally 3D models. Decor for rooms. Also, the item spawning system will be changed, coins will be added for which you can buy something in some room, or an item at the beginning of the game as in Doors

for 0.3.0 and for patches from 0.2.0 there will be a lot of interesting things, but it will not change the gameplay much like 0.2.0. Chips will be released as drops, bugs will be fixed, main menu redesigned, pause menu, 5+ new rooms

update coming soon, with new rooms, monsters, puzzles, items, hard mod