
Welcome to Customer's Awesome Head.
Log into GameJolt and enjoy of Customer's Awesome Head.

Mute the Music
:( I thought you'd like it

Excruciating Pain
Kill an RFreddy. Experience the thrill of the kill.

The Ultimate Dancer Club
Get all of your RFreddys to collectively dance 60000 times! He is quite talented innit.

Plentiful RFreddys
Have 100 RFreddy's all at once in a single game. Plentiful!
(Dead RFreddys count as RFreddys)

Monopoly Guy
Have over 50k Awesome Points. Isn't that awesome?

Man Behind the RFreddy Slaughter
Kill 150 RFreddys with your bare hands. You MONSTER.
(Left click an RFreddy three times to kill him)

Lootbox Lunatic
Buy 75 lootboxes. You are a lunatic, you know that?

Get the ONE of the SEVEN lore drops. Congrats!

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The big old middle finger.
Get the incredibly rare "Another Lootbox lol" drop.

A Gamejolt Trophy for You!
Have the stupidly rare (1/50) chance of getting the Gamejolt Trophy! Lucky you.