Comments (30)
Just finished the game , This was something else i gotta say ! Seriously ! you improved a ton. The controls are alot better with air movement , The level design is better and less buggy and everything is really good . i had alot of fun playing it .My favorite level was the sewers. Things you can improve in future updates + bugs :
-It took me like half an hour to figure out how to body slam, there's no tutorial or instruction in the game that tell which button you have to press and it's not in the input manager in the luncher. and it's mapped differently to the slide which confused me even more (i use keyboard)
-The spin has a small delay when pressed. this is probably due to the animation has to finish before moving to the next one i think.
-Pause menu. when you pause and exit and go to another level you are greeted with black screen. you have to press pause twice to unfreeze the game.
-Save doesn't work in all levels.
-Fix the fricking icey spinning platforms, they spin too fast . and the one in the ice level are not consistant they become faster and slower randomly.
-Level 13 soft lock you when you die.
-Jump can be improved a bit more. it's good but i found my self slide off the edge sometimes or the character refuse to jump (you can just increase the box colider for the edges , cheap fix but work)
-The cutscenes were pretty funny, you can implement them into the main story . and add more bosses.
Overall, i had alot of fun . thanks for making this ! Excited to see more of your work !
Crash Bandicoot 5: Wumpa island returns :D
Looks good, only change the visuals, colours are too saturated and it is boring and it's tiring for the eyes.
When i play the game I will give a better review.
this fan game you intend to finish it and deliver a 100% finished work, is it in development or is it like almost all the other fan games from crash gamejolt that people simply give up on continuing the fan game, out of sheer laziness or simply It's just a FAN GAME, one thing I noticed while playing is that Crash only turns when he wants to, I often had to keep pressing the button to get lucky and one of the times his attack would come out and many of the I've often died to enemies because of this, and the lever that you just press by turning becomes a very annoying part, as you have to stay there for a long time until the damn thing Crash thinks "um,,, I'm tired of standing still, I'm going to spin now", and finally he spins and I thank God for finally being able to continue in the game.
Crash Bandicoot Hyper Crystal Respun Version 1.2.2
-5 Brand new levels!
-Must complete classic mode in order to unlock Extras menu
-Changed Main menu theme
-Updated to Unity 5
-Hidden Crystal's Wrath skin
(Known Bugs)
-Falling Platforms have been temporarily replaced with Blue blocks due to bug issues.
- Ghost Villagers (still haven't fixed them :P)
- Some TNT crates have broken textures while counting down
Game Soundtrack
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans