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Ultimate Circle Night (CANCELLED)
This is very first game about circles. Tips: Press A: to close/open left door. Press D: to close/open right door. Press W: to close/open front left vent. Press E: to close/open front right vent. Press Z: to use flashlight.
Press 1: to all off. Press 2: to use global music box. Click on the character icon to info.
Plane Fights With Green Circle (3 Bosses)
Wowowowow this is non-fnaf game. Tips: Arrow keys - move. Z - shoot
Sgro's Super Custom Night (SCRAPPED Ver.)
Sgro. All characters belongs: @Mister_S_Gabriel. Tips: Press A: to close/open left door. Press D: to close/open right door. Press W: to close/open front left vent. Press E: to close/open front right vent. Click on the character icon to see info. This game may have lots of bugs.
Sgro's Super Custom Night Remake (CANCELLED)
Sgrosgro. Characters: @Mister_S_Gabriel. Cancelled due lack of motivation
Five Nights At Circle (SCRAPPED Ver.)
This is scrapped and old version of FNAC
Ultimate House (CANCELLED)
I dunno why this thing exists...
Ultimate Classic Night (CANCELLED)
I dunno why this thing exists 2...
A Night In The House Remake Fan-Made (CANCELLED)
Decided to remake old game by @Paulor94, but i cancel it...
Cool_Emil's15 Old/Cancelled Games COOLlection - Collection of my old, cancelled and scrapped versions games what was made in 2019-2020. This includes 8 games:
Ultimate Circle Night
Plane Fights With Green Circle
Sgro's Super Custom Night Fan-Made
Sgro's Super Custom Night Remake Fan-Made
Five Nights At Circle Scrapped 2019 Ver.
Ultimate House
Ultimate Classic Night
A Night In The House Remake Fan-Made
Warning: A few games have a lots of bugs, unfinished gameplay, e.t.c. So dont expect a good quality of these games!
P.S. I'm bad at english so i used Google Translate lmao