Comments (62)

i dont see the difference

this game sucks uhm, your mom
wow, the worst daydream theme is really cool
Game Soundtrack
Worst Daydream (Menu Music)
- 1.Worst Daydream (Menu Music)
- 2.Deadly Defeat (Death Theme)
- 3.Funky Tune! (Pause theme - ingame)
- 4.NO GAME, ONLY FUNK!!! (Pause theme - ost version)
- 5.Double Trouble! (vs. ACE.gif and IDK.gif)
- 6.Electronics Shop (Shop theme 1)
- 7.La La La…(Shop theme 2)
- 8.I’ll Never Let You Go Again! (Good Ending)
- 9.My New Friend *inst* (Bonus song!)
Alt page!!!
** This game is paused :P **
In this down-top rpg game, some random infection came around. Now CK (that's you), along with her friends, Sketch and Alex, have to put a stop to it!
Find the source, fight off the infected, and save the world!
Battle random people (including the ones that started this whole thing), collect absolutely random items that we don't even know about (/j), and possibly make friends! (Ok, admit it, that'll probably never happen...)
Also, uhhhh...banan :]
(Note: @Nuggetz_XD is the co-owner, but he's not on the team :P)
@Charlox_itt / @OtherXhar_
-Owner, concept artist, musician, animator
-Musician, concept artist
-Concept artist
-Coder, concept artist(?)
-Coder, possible artist/animator
-Sprite artist
-Concept artist, possible musician
-Concept artist
-Promo artist(?)
-Coder, musician(?)
#horror #action #rpg #fighting #adventure #comedy #survival #other
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language