Castle in The Stars: An RPG-Genre Game Made by Hunter47/Hunter55t_xyz, "A young boy named Ryuji awakes in an abandoned mineshaft with amnesia, and finds that he is wearing armor as well. After he leaves the cave, he learns of a force outside of the planet, Hyperion's atmosphere, and sees a shadow looming over the land. The locals claim it's a castle, and that anomalous circumstances have been pushed from the castle, and onto some of the people. No-one knows for sure, as this is some rumor, but they are convinced that it's true.
Ryuji decides to seek out an individual, who is characterized by yet another rumor-based lead, who is supposedly Hyperion's Spymaster, who may have intimate knowledge on the Castle in the Stars, and the magic within."
The official discord server for the game is up! My devlog updates are more posted on the discord, rather than the game's page.