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Version: 0.1.0over 6 years ago
DISCLAIMER: This is not the final game. In fact, it isn't even really a game. It's completely full of bugs that (most of which) will be fixed in the next release. Also, the only way to exit the game without going out of the window, as of now, is to get hit by a car, go to the main menu, and press quit.

CatDash (Mac)

Version: 0.1.0over 6 years ago
Just the mac version Cuz some people use macs

You're a cat, and your pet human forgot to feed you! In exactly one minute, it'll start raining, so you have that long to find some nice tasty mice.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

First Release

I’ve released the first package of the game. If you want to play it, download it, and thank you! If not… Well, don’t download it.

Why I'm not posting any updates

I’m on vacation right now, so I don’t have access to my game, which is why I’m not posting any updates
(Not that anybody cares, since my last post still has 0 views)

First post

This is CatDash. It’s a game. I’m making it.