
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This is a nice concept game. Thanks for making and sharing this!


Less of a game and more of an experience, but what an experience!

I found the whole thing to be quite relaxing and cathartic... at first. But then I do what I always do and start ranting and raving about the randomness of life and how tiny decisions can make big differences but perhaps we always end up wherever we are at a certain point in time because it's *exactly* where we're meant to be. Nothing is a coincidence, our feet are pulled in whichever direction they're meant to be pulled in and chaos reigns supreme!

Ahem... I mean... this is a pretty game, built around a program that in theory should lead to one thing but instead leads to another. Every single time. There are slight variations in the beginning, but it's never long before a familiar pattern emerges. And I loved it every time!

Jeez, I've gone on way longer than I should have here. If you like cool things like the chaos theory and pretty shapes, then download this and zone out for a while. It's well worth it in my opinion!

We need more weirdly wonderful things like this in our lives! Keep up the awesome work Magnus =)


Chaos Game

Version: 1.0.2over 5 years ago

More of a simulation than a game, the Chaos Game is a demonstration of some eerie mathematical phenomenon within our universe, simulated here using Unity.

You don't need to know anything about math to understand or appreciate the concepts presented, all you need to do is observe. The Chaos Game is an exploration of randomness with rules, from the science of Chaos Theory and the physics of thermodynamics.

Barely understanding much math myself, it surely was not invented by me, but rather Michael Barnsley somewhere around 1993.

After a brief introduction, you will be presented a screen where you can check out this simulation performed on different shapes, and with slight variations to the rules. Enjoy.

#altgame #other


Added a quick update, fixing the following:
- Cursor now shows up on menu
- Background colors are now equal over all screens
- Added an option to skip the intro by pressing 'Space' (Not recommended)