
Comments (35)

What do you think?

lol just made a game jolt account just to show some love. found this about 2 months ago still not finished with it cuz dam getting sarah is work. (haven't done it yet.)

So, I just downloaded the latest version and I'm coming up with a bug with Jaune when using the TF Witch. After transforming, my character doesn't show up in the scene and going to the menu there's a big blank space where the character portrait and Aura/MP should be.

hey i should point something out for some reason when i'm playing as Luna i Can't get into the bar in Vale and and the HMS APP key item has the same description as the Android Rights movement APP figured I would point this out.

realy cute

Woah this games back?


RWBY: Chibi-Quest

Version: 1.14.2about 3 years ago

Removed Oct 31st Dec 27th 2018...not writing another long description that no one is gonna read...

#fangame of RoosterTeeth's #RWBY (more RWBY: Chibi, actually).

#rpg #retro #openworld

RPG Maker MV...sorry.
If you're expecting great art...sorry.
If you're expecting good art...sorry.
If you're expecting a good game for the modern gamer...sorry...I'm stuck in the 90's/00''s long, and talky, and you'll need your imagination for the fine details.
If you're expecting a story...not much here.

There's a quest log (populated after selecting a main character) that explains where
just about everything is and how to do it...which RUINS the fun for me as the developer...I wanna hide stuff and/or make you earn it, not tell you where it is.


Scheduled updates are generally late Sunday nights.
Serious bugs will result in an update to fix them ASAP.


Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Crass Humor

v1.13.13 - How time flies...

Couple minor fixes with the private airship and puzzle maze.

Fingers crossed that some bored quarantined gamers will dig deep enough into the indie games barrel to find mine...just fingers, no toes or breath holding.

v1.13.12 - Bug with B-Side Natives (and because it'd been a month).

In 1.13.9 I changed B-Side natives' Character slot to be sealed...I meant to lock it, not seal it...

Also the events for lv20+ and lv40+ never got updated for slot yeah...

v1.13.11 - There may not be a v1.14...

Lightning strike killed best PC (the one I program with) and 2nd best (this one) is not up to the'll do it, but is aggravatingly slow about it...

Pissed off at lag isn't helpful when trying to be funny...

v1.13.10 - Sim City 2 (Electric Boogaloo)

The lag is a LOT better, but leaving the main menu after allocating a lot of AP still caused a crash...recommend saving after you dump 1000+ AP per character before closing the menu (that goes for everywhere).

v1.13.9 - <insert witty title>

And that's how things are going, no ideas...good, bad, or otherwise.

I've gotten no complaints...a little encouragement...found a slew of dumb errors I found while recording (of course...) and a little bit of new info.

v1.13.8 - Sim City and more cats

The map file for the Sim City adventure is an enormous 32MB...2nd place goes to the urban Zombies map at 5MB...and I had to make a backup every 3-5 minutes to keep from losing it all over again...enjoy.

1.13.7 - bugfixes

I had the Sim City adventure's map 99.7% done...RPG Maker editor crashed while saving (while on a different map)...and lost it...all of it...980ish events (yeah, like 700 are the enemy groups...but still) gone...

So I'm not happy...

v1.13.6 - Cats and Sharks and Sewers, Oh My!

And all in 1 location!

Mid-week because (as per usual) I want your help finding the bugs...and it's been WAY too long since the game was updated.

v1.13.5 - Missing Image Files

v1.13.4 - Significant Bug

Ideas and motivation are starting to come back...speaking of coming did RvB start back up without me knowing?

Totally made the Blood Gulch changes before knowing that...