Game Community
Five Nights at Biggie Smokes' Real OGs
37 Members

Comments (17)

What do you think?

chris the croc

Tater the Waiter Gator?

my next part....awesome game :)

hi, what a great game. big thx. it makes so fun and i have rec 3 parts and i love it. greetings from germany


Five Nights at Biggie Smokes' The Chris Story

Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago

The year is 2001, Chris the Crocodile was a robot created by Joey, he created it in hopes that it would do good for Ugly Ass Clown's Funhouse, maybe even make it apart of the Ass Clown Gang. He later sold the robot to someone else, in hopes they would do something with it, not to mention he didn't want it anymore due to it being really out of place. It turns out a few years later in 2004, the robot returns to Joey in a way he did not expect... Almost costing his life. In this spinoff game you play as Joey. You are in control, will you help Joey survive? Find out.. in.... THE CHRIS STORY!!!


*Voice Actors*

Joey - Toonster

Biggie Smokes - Ivannugget

Prince Daniels - Dev Cake Games

Dolan Airsoft - Dev Cake Games

Kandi - Random TTS Woman Voice

Redneck 1 - Ivannugget

Redneck 2 - Toonster

Redneck 3 - Dev Cake Games

E - Obscurity


Smooth - Santana

The Agency Heist - GTA V Ost

The General Lee - Johnny Cash

Escape - Limabeans

Annuminas Part 1 - Arctica

Morning Wood - Edvard Grieg

Right Behind You - Kevin MacLeod

Dopplerette - Kevin MacLeod




#fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #biggies #fnabs #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor

If you wanna watch the intro for The Chris Story, you can now..


Five Nights at Biggie Smokes' The Chris Story Opening Movie movie
This is the opening movie for Five Nights at Biggie Smokes' The Chris StoryThe game:

go CHECK OUT THE OFFICIALâ„¢ Five Nights at Biggie Smokes' Communityâ„¢:

Out Now! (also my thoughts on how this game turned out)

Trailer 2 is out go check it out