
A New Adventure
Started on your journey...

First Blood
You killed an unarmed plague victim. Feel like the hero yet?

Got Rope
Thanatos has no idea this exists...

Rocket Adventures!
Discovered the Hanging Homes as Rocket.

Bad Dog
Discovered the Shuzitzu Warrior.

That poor spider...

Fancy a Dip?
Completed the Cultist Hideout Dungeon.

Powering Up
Reached Lvl. 2.

Birthday Bird
Completed the secret birthday mission.

Encountered the Dark Woman.

Defeated the Cultists outside of M'Rasu.

Wayward Master
Encountered Caius Artoriel.

The Start of Something...
Thanatos will have a field day with this!

The Open World
Unlocked the M'Rasu Isle Map.

A Cog in the Machine
Found Cogmog for the first time.

Cogmog's Happiness
I mean, you might be horrible at riddles, but at least he's happy...

No More Training Wheels
Reached Level 3.

Chocobo Lover
Rescued the chocobo chick.

The Symbol
Completed the Black Chocobo Forest.

Mountainous Knowledge
Reached the Academy City of Anomo.

Taking Things Slow
Took Mika Solwin out for dinner.

He Should Have Taken It
Found a Link to another realm...

Talked down the Tonberries without losing a party member.

That's Two, Kupo!
Completed the Second face of Pandora.

Day at the Races
Visited the chocobo racing circuit.

Stealth Elf
Recovered a magitek communicator.

It's Better in Red
Reunited with a friend.

Amber's Abyss
Witnessed the power of Murasan.

Into the Desert
Reached Level 5.

Three for Three!
Completed the Third face of Pandora.

The Smithing Gentleman
Encountered Gilgamesh.

Snake Eyes
Unlocked the Gambler job.

Decked out!
Unlocked the Machinist job.

Tower Master
Completed Dratallius Tower.

Two to Go!
Completed the Fourth face of Pandora.

Slight of Hand
Unlocked the Thief job.

Unlocked the Entertainer job.

Primal Rage
Defeated the Behemoth

What the Heck was That?
Defeated the River Hysonguin.

Leviathan's Favour
Defeated the Spectral Serpent.

Riddle Master
Either you're smart, or save-scumming was your friend!

Bad Omens
Met Soraan... And faced the consequences.

Defeated Soraan.

Man Trapped
Defeated the Venus Man Trap.

One Big Bug
Defeated the Galterix.

Ultra Trouble
Defeated Ultros.

Crime Doesn't Pay
Defeated the Vinaldi Lieutenants.

A Promise of Things to Come
Discover the four secret interactions around Lapinia, and viewed the bonus scene it unlocks...

Clone Wars
Defeated the Gogonrooka.

Why Did It Have To Be Spiders?
Completed the Spider's Nest dungeon.

From the Ashes
Defeated the Firebird Guardian and claimed your prize.

The Cure
Defeated the Seat of the Plague.

Ode to My Dear Serah
Put a brave soul to his rest...

Double Tap
Defeated the Tomb Guardian.

Dear Director...
Defeated Director Argath.

The Test
Defeated Thanatos' true enemy.

Plague of M'Rasu
Completed Chapter 1: Plague of M'Rasu.

Everybody's Grudge
Completed Chapter 2: Everybody's Grudge

Legacy of Lazerus
Complete Chapter 3: Legacy of Lazarus

Complete Chapter 4: Darkside

Broken Chains
Complete Chapter 5: Broken Chains

Complete Chapter 6: Blackstorm.

From the Ashes
Complete Chapter 7: From the Ashes

Warriors of Light and Darkness
Complete Final Fantasy: Chronicles of Eno.