Comments (132)
best horror game ive ever seen. this is one of the most spookiest indie horror games ive ever encountered. the graphics are apsolutely stunning, and the game knows how to spook players the most without them knowing whats gonna happen. supprisingly, this game is more than just horror. this game introduces you to its very own game mechanic, Closing your eyes. and also has a actual story told by the experience playing it. it is not just some random horror game that tries to jump you, and the player does not know whats going on. it has a story pretty easy to explain. the one thing that shocked me the most is when I took the elevator and a husk suddentley breaks through the vent. going up, sir? the game suprises the player by introducing these odd characters that look misfigured. its interesting how the game makes the scary intentionally, but than you meet this...uhh….some weired slendry skirted which, who appears to be helping you the whole time. scary doesent always mean dangerous.
This is one of the greatest free horror games out there. The atmosphere is great and the Husks are terrifying characters and I love their design so much! some scenes are really scary, and the endings are confusing at first, but they get better once you understand the story, overall, a wonderful game!
This game is extremely good. For a free indie horror game it really shows what can be done when a developer knows what they’re doing.
It has an interesting mechanic, multiple endings and a light lore that would be there for you work out
I look forward to playing more things by this creator.
Here’s my play through for those interested:
dose it work with window?
game sadly forces me to run audio through my vr headset no matter what i do
Close Your Eyes
Close Your Eyes is a puzzle horror game where your only defense against enemies is to close your eyes. Enemies will not chase you while your eyes are closed. You are being hunted down in an eerie research facility with a backstory shrouded in mystery. The creatures that roam in this facility are tenacious and ruthless. Remember, if you can't see them, they can't see you.
You can't outrun them. You can't hide from them. Your only option is to close your eyes.
You may need to adjust the graphical settings depending on your computer.
Estimated play time is 1 hour.
#horror #puzzle
WSAD - Move
Left Mouse - Close/Open eyes
E - Interact
CTRL - Crouch
ESC - Settings