
Cool Kid Alarm: Definitive Edition
"The Cosmos spoke to me and spoke of your arrivial."
=== What is Cool Kid Alarm? ===
Cool Kid Alarm is a difficult Soulslike, Story Driven, Action, Boss Rush game.
In Cool Kid Alarm, you must journey across space and time, into dimensions afar, in a race to steal the ancient powers of the Cool Kid Alarm, a relic left behind by the Cosmic Dragons, during their depature into the Ethereal Realm. With the alarms powers, you will gain ULTIMATE COOLNESS, a power that will make every girl want to date you, and every weeb fear you.
The brand new Definitive Editon comes with small changes, a new title screen and a brand new EXTRAS menu.
=== About the Definitive Editon ===
Hey, one and all. It's me! Your all time favourite game developer, Bulge-Boy. I'm back with an updated version of one of my older, less successful games in a hope to breathe some life into my unpopular, yet proudest work. So, until my next game comes out, please enjoy what I'd consider to be my best game.
=== Reviews ===
(with your feedback, this section can hopefully be filled out soon)
#action #adventure #comedy #soulslike #difficult #storydriven #lorerich #storyrich #combat #pixelart #platformer #bossrush #surreal #dark