Comments (9)
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Мало оружия и оно дорогое (((
Также поправь тени наконец!
А остальное все норм.
Very nice game! But i will give you some tips.
Please make english version its very hard to play it in russian.
Make longer reloading animation becouse its so quick to reload gun.
Try to make better textures of gloves.
Add more guns.
In general its very nice game and i enjoy playing it but it dont have players :/
please have a offline mode and offline bots. :D
#TVZliberaChefeDoCrimePerfeito vamos levantar essa tag pro TVZ ver? A música não é uma apologia
Counter-Warfare - FPS Shoote. You are playing for SWAT or MILITARY and save WORLD.
- Online
- Login and Reigster System
- Ranked system.
- 4 maps.
*- More events always.
You can help the game, please write in the comments a bug sheet.
Want to see something new in the game? I'm waiting for your suggestions and can in another update this thing appear