Comments (2)
hei umm.. this game its good and wirk a controle ps! i liked the game:)
Hey. So I just played your second demo and I have to say. It's not bad. But I do have some criticism.
I like how you correctly utilize the Nost Games Crash Assets but the animations on Crash work with the default rig which can cause the run animation to look pretty goofy. With some minimal effort you could improve Crash's animations and possibly make your own.
The biggest problem I have is that the 2nd level is unbeatable because right as you get to the Native wall. There's a kill collider above Crash that I will jump right into. Thus making the entire demo unbeatable.
The Native Villager Enemies look pretty static. They look like they're pinatas. Ik modelling isn't the easiest thing to do. But I thin you should at least add more movement to the animation to make them look more alive.
The Bonus stage in the 2nd looks pretty lazy to be honest. It's just cubes with stone textures and some of the cubes are scaled long making the textures look super stretched and unpleasing to look at.
The first level doesn't have a bonus stage but the 2nd level does? That's kinda inconsistent. Then again Ig Crash 1 didn't have a bonus stage in the first level. But still, kinda inconsistent
You can spin Crystals away? It's clear you used a wumpa gameobject and switched it with a Crystal mesh. With very little effort you can make a Crystal disappear along with it making a sound effect.
With that said I thought this was a good demo. But it definately could be improved. It's a lot better than most Crash fan games that use the Nost Games assets.
Crash bandicoot A New Beginning -Fan Game-
Crash Bandicoot A New Beginning Demo 2
este es mi primera demo de mi futuro fan game de crash bandicoot:
Crash bandicoot a new beginning
historia: Después de los acontecimientos de crash bandicoot warped, cortex, uka uka y n tropy volvieron lograron salir de la dimensión en la que quedaron atrapados, junto con los power crystals, meses atrás aku aku descubrió las islas tiky donde se genera la sustancia mágica llamada mojo crash y aku devén evitar que cortex encuentre los cristales y obtenga el mojo que el usara para construir al cortex bot la única maquina capas de destruir las islas wumpa de una ves por todas
(mezclare un poco de la historia de of the titans con el crash clásico en esta demo aun no agrego el mojo y puede que no lo agregue, si les gusta la idea del mojo lo intentare)
ingles: This is my first demo of my future crash bandicoot fan game: Crash bandicoot a new beginning history: After the events of crash bandicoot warped, cortex, uka uka and n tropy returned they managed to get out of the dimension in which they were trapped, along with the power crystals, months ago aku aku discovered the tiky islands where the magical substance called is generated mojo crash and aku deven prevent cortex from finding the crystals and get the mojo he will use to build the cortex bot the only machine capable of destroying the wumpa islands once and for all (I will mix a little of the history of the titans with the classic crash in this demo I still do not add the mojo and may not add it, if you like the idea of the mojo I will try it)