
In a world where bosses rule, how can a simple cube save the day by jumping on platforms, or does he have some secret powers we aren't aware of?
Respawn Flag:
Like most platformers, if you hit the lava your health decreases, and you get sent back to the starting point, unless you put down a respawn flag, which will send you to the flag when you hit lava!
Electrical Platforms
Sometimes a section of a level can be really hard and frustrating, but you can skip them with the use of an electrical platform! Use them wisely because they use one charge of your battery (which can be bought at the shop).
Move: WASD Keys
Jump: Space Bar
Shoot: E Key
Interact: R Key
Place Flag: F Key
UI Interact: Enter Key / Mouse Left Click
UI Navigation: Arrow Keys
Note: To learn about the controls for a game pad, visit the "controls" menu in the game. PlayStation controllers are supported, and it is recommended to not use DS4 Windows to play the game.
Iliya Soleymani
Radin Nasiri
Iliya Soleymani
Game design:
Iliya Soleymani
Radin Nasiri
Sound effects (freesound.org):
8-bit damage sound by EVRetro
shoot02 by V-ktor
Jump_C_03 by cabled_mess
laser1 by nsstudios
UI 03 by rhodesmas
Music (freesound.org):
Loop_Computer_Feeling_Good_03 by LittleRobotSoundFactory
hornier remix of victor-natas Freesound #641728 by Timbre
Success Resolution Video Game Fanfare Sound Effect by FunWithSound
Game Testers:
Mohammad Shayan
Mohammad Hajikandi
Parsa Mardani
MohammadReza Namvar
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