
@Oscarstars (Me) - Creator (Dialogue Editor sprite editor)
@Skysen - Co-Creator (Dialogue Editor)
@RedstoneRuler - Dev or idk (Dialogue Editor) FIRED.
@ForgettablePyromaniac - Dev or some shit i dont fucking know
@smashmallow101 - Made Some Jokes and some dialog
that one yellow shirt guy giving you cake : AraMax
Q: When will this mod/edit be released?
A: Well, me Skysen Pyro and smash mallow have no official release date... yet..!
This is going to take a very long time.#
Q: Will you do this for chapter 2 and other all releases chapters
A: YES! We will. Once we edit chapter 1, we will release it. Chapter 2 will obviously be included, but not edited. If chapter 1 is released, then we might work on chapter 2. but its slightly impossible with out a chapter 2 lang file
Q: Your mod inspired me to make my own funny dialogue! How do I do it?
A: WELL... Open your folder of the game. there is a "lang" folder.
Open lang_en_ch1.json and start editing! You might break the game if you edit something wrong though. Be careful!
Q: which mods inspired you
A: Deltarune Repainted
(WARNING! This mod contains some strong language and innapropiate themes. This mod is only for 16+!!!)