Comments (1)
sounds pretty GAY but i'll give try someday

Long time ago, in one the many alternative universes and timelines of DavidVerse, a special Cyber Program's Protocol was performed. People's task behind this protocol was to create the strongest super soldier the world has ever made. Upon years and years of research, experiments and failures, they finally succeed. Well, kind of. They succed into making a strongest supersoldier the world will ever see, but with a cost. This soldier has a body of a teen, with spiky brown hair, claws rather than nails, teeth sharp as the sharpest sword, and unsatisfiable hunger. This was the birth, of David.ExE.

The Beast is a short RPG horror game in which players take place of Anastasia Light, 14 year old female, sister of Anna "White", as she tries to find a way out of the labyrinth she was trapped in. Depending on which mode players chose, they must avoid all hazards, get 8 magical orbs and manage to escape the so called beast, known as David.ExE, now far more menacing and evil than before.

COMPLETELY redone sprites and dialogue pictures, rather than reusing same sprites since BWD.DLL N.A.
Fully detailed labyrinth with many wrong turns and twists
Hazards that slow you down or instantly kill you
Sound cues, to be alert when David.ExE is near
Voice Acting
2 Endings
[Hard Mode Only] 2 Secret Boss Battles
Featuring Shadow David from "David The Gamer: Deadly Night", Shadow Light from "Project Light" (Hard Mode) and Vanja Silver, a scrapped character from a scrapped game.

Despite being called an ".ExE demon", David.ExE is more human than Luka, the only known true human in DavidVerse. The reason he was given the name was due to his eyes and behavior.
Vanja was one of the 3 characters that were supposed to appear in "CYBER Project: CONNECTION Protocol", my AdvJam2020 entry, but as it was scrapped, she was scrapped as well.
This whole project came to my mind when my friend, who is also a voice actor of David.ExE in this game, MasterShow Blood, sent me a voice for David.ExE as a gift, after an art I posted in his server. This voice acting was later used in "The Beast - Teaser Trailer".
This is the first official DavidVerse game. Every game before this one, except The Gem, is part of Classic!DavidVerse
NOTE: Due to a lot of events in the water hazards, game may lag in those areas on computers with low amount of RAM Memory
You should be at least 13 years or older, as this game contains some... not so nice scenes, but not too bad.
Minimum 2GB of RAM memory
A Windows operating machine
RunTime Package (RTP) for RPG Maker VX Ace.
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language