Comments (20)
I liked the game and thought that the setting was nice and immersive, but I think that the gameplay could use a couple of tweaks. I think that more obvious enemy health bars would help a lot and I think that a stamina system would also be great. The axe boss was fairly challenging until I realized that I could spam the 2-shot heavy attack since it staggered. This is where I think a stamina bar would come in handy to make a more balanced and challenging game. The axe boss also had way too much health to not have an obvious health bar and kind of just felt like a hassle. But I think that this game has massive potential and a great atmosphere overall. Keep up the good work!
Cool concept and enviroments, but the heavy enemy with the axe is broken. He has too much life, the range of his attacks is bugged and sometimes he just spams the same move without a chance to recover. Also, it should have some kind of "bonfires" instead of autosaving. This game has potential, keep up the good work man
game looks sick
It's the perfect blend of Dark souls and Deadspace, Congrats on this game guy's, it was a lot of fun! I can't wait for the full version, good luck with development dudes :3
We hope everyone has a wonderful time! We are sad that we can not show you something new of Lost Sector to this date, but hope you could enjoy the sweet Christmas version of Dead Sector.
Dead Sector
Dead Sector Playable Teaser (Version 0.820)
Christmas Version
Dead Sector is an immersive souls-like which plays in a dystopian future.
Enter the depths of the playable teaser and find out why more and more underground sectors lose contact with the surface. Fight against mysterious creatures and use their life energy to charge your equipment.
Important Note:
Some GPUs are not compatible with the "Bloodtexture" feature. You can just disable that feature in the settings or update your GPU-Drivers, if you experience frame drops or freez.
The Demo is optimized for gamepad, but can also be played with the following key bindings. Additionally you can create your own input scheme.

E = Interaction
W,A,S,D = Walk
Ctrl (hold) = Run
Space = dodge
LMB = Light Attack,
RMB = Heavy Attack
Tab = Lock-On Enem
Q or E switch between Targets
R = Recharge Health (require one E-Cell)
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz or better.
GPU: GeForce 970 Series or better.
RAM: 4 GB.
Artjom Fransen - Game Director, Animation, Level Design & UI
Charly Preisig - Programming, VFX & UI
Valentin Fischer - Conceptart, Texturing, Modeling & Rigging
Audio by Fabian Deiss & Niklas Wienböker
[email protected]
#horror #action #scifi #roguelike #rpg #gamepad #dark
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed