
Into CyberSpace
Beat Chapter 2 and show who the true Gamer is!

Welp you tried
Die to the first Enemy, you weakling lol

Cards N' Darts
Beat Chapter 1 and Begin your New Adventure!

Railroad to Freedom
Beat Chapter 3 and show Justice towards the Rooks!

Dawn of Faith
Beat Chapter 4 and have Faith in your Hopes and Dreams.

Down to the Taste
Beat Chapter 5 and Accept your Destiny!

Maono's Quest
Finish Maono's Quest and Fix what is damaged! (Availeble in Chapter 6)

Kill or to be Killed
Beat Chapter 6 and oppose against the Knights will.

The Aster Void
Beat Chapter 7 and finish the Main Story

Finish Chapter 8 and Dont Forget: I'm with you in the Dark.

Beginning of the End
Beat Chapter X and finish the Main Story (Requires: Snowgrave, Genocide, Unholy and Rotten Route to be completed)