Comments (12)
nice game :D
Awesome! I am going to play this demo and probably upload a video soon! I am really looking forward to the full game.
Cool man, looking forward to this
I can't control character or bring up the menu after going out of assembly hall. The game doesn't seem to frezze, though.
Darkness of Darachi 0: No Hope Demo [DEFINITIVE EDITION]
The definitive edition of the demo. Due to complications around certain data transferring to new save files, this will be the final demo before the full release.
(It still says it was released 8 months ago, I just wanted to keep it as version 0.3.0. for no reason in particular)
Darkness of Darachi 0: No Hope Demo [MAC VERSION]
A version of the demo for Mac users.
A story about a fantasy world and a flawed man.
Darkness of Darachi 0: No Hope tells the tale of Verity Amo as he and those close to him embark on a quest to save the world while simultaneously dealing with their own inner struggles. The choices they make may affect how the story proceeds, and reveal more about their world bit by bit.
Eventually they come to learn of a great prophecy, explaining that they are the chosen heroes who will save the world from darkness... but that may be a challenge for a group as dysfunctional as them.
A simple, easy-to-understand combat system with enemy weaknesses.
Good old RPG tropes, with certain other elements sprinkled throughout.
A large cast of fun, relatable characters... along with not-so-fun, relatable characters.
A narrative atypical of most RPGs... in certain ways.
A music book that records all songs you find in the game.
An exciting achievement system.
Decisions which may or may not influence future events.
Character profiles...! Oh, wait, no, you're gonna have to wait a bit longer for those.
Weird, esoteric humour.
British "people".
Existential dread.
With around 4-6 hours of gameplay so far, Darkness of Darachi 0: No Hope offers a seemingly typical RPG experience, with absolutely nothing deeper hiding beneath its surface.
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor