Comments (4,708)
For anyone who's interested, I drew Golden Call

Cool game, paedophile developer
For anyone who loves the game but hates the developer for reason I won't mention. Just separate the game from its creator. If you want to play it just don't think about the game creator. He doesn't exist just and focus on the game. Its the same as separating vegetables from your favorite food.
Blackout, I am impressed. This game is the best fan game I have seen and played in quite a long time. The ideas are so unique and creepy that everything works well to create a decent horror experience. All I'd say to improve that is to add a much more deeper ambience with more random sounds. Overall though the game is amazing. Great work. (This comment was made ages before everything came out about Blackout. "Almost 6 Years Ago"
Dude! You made it to the front page in best in not even a day!
> Dormitabis

After flames consumed you, you soon realized that you woke up in a place you can not identify. And how are you alive? Didn't you just burn to death in that god forsaken horror attraction?
Your confusion however soon turns into fear, and soon panic and pressure. As time progresses, it becomes clearer and clearer that you have a special mission to complete- a mission to save the dead.
That doesn't guarantee that the dead wil cooperate with you, however.

This game is based on Five Nights at Freddy's by Scott Cawthon and connects to the lore of his game series (Quick side note: This game was planned before the release of the FNaF Novels and the second to last entry in the series, "Sister Location". Nothing that came after FNaF 4 is canon to this game.) neatly. The game has way more content than Scott's games, game length wise. A normal run takes 70 minutes if you do not die a single time, but can take way longer to beat if you aren't careful and die a lot. Other runs of the game that require hidden things can take longer, as the secrets you need to collect are often well hidden. With a wide variety of characters that swap out each other for a different combination of characters each night, the game keeps you interested and gives you a different challenge every night.

Developers & Artists | Work done by them
Owne | Main CTF 2.5 developer, as well as a Modeler and Animator.
SuperArthurBros | Animatronic Modeler.
StevenMator | Animatronic Modeler.
TJ DiDio | Animatronic Modeler.
LeBlackout | Writer, main concept creator & director / other.
Salvage | Former Animatronic Modeler.
Golden Nexus | Former Animatronic Modeler.
DarksArtworks | Former Animatronic Modeler.
Ultr4nima | Former Minigame spriter, some in-game sfx.
Emeraldcraft573 | Former Minigame spriter.
TheSparky556 | Voice acting for person on tape.
Datatsushi | Voice acting for person on phone.
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language