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As King of the realm, you must track down three dragons that have been ravaging the land. This game features a classic point and click adventure game interface and many different areas of the world to explore. #adventure #pointnclick #puzzle #retro

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

The Backgrounds for the Frostlands are now complete! As you can see, the next step is to do all of the character and object art. After that is finished I will begin work on the third area of the game!

The Frostlands is now fully playable and I have begun work on the art. I will update this page with new screenshots as I finish backgrounds and characters. In the meantime, please enjoy these hilarious screenshots of the game without finished art.

Production has been slow while I have been on winter break, but I've begun work on the Frostlands and will work much harder once school starts on Monday.

The game has a completed intro and I have begun work on the second area: The Frostlands!!!

12/16/18 Welcome to the very first devlog of Slay the dragon III!
As of today, I have completely finished the first area of the game. It ends with a nice little cutscene. I will now begin work on the game's introduction.