
Slime Ranger
Complete the Slime Cove challenge!

Slime Slapper
Kill the Super Slime!

Complete the Cavernous Caves challenge!

Monster Hunter
Kill the Earth Dragon!

Complete the Peaceful Rest Valley challenge!

Blue, Bleu, Blew
Kill the Desperate Fanatic

Rap Rat
Complete the Callahan Forest challenge!

Earth Angel...
Kill the Forest Angel!

Complete the Ice Fort challenge!

Tsundere Away
Kill the Ice Cold Succubus!

Complete the MTT Studios challenge!

Executive From the Stars
Kill the Starman DX!

Ghosts 'n' Ghouls
Complete the Gave Tower challenge!

Ney, Hey, Hey!
Kill the Default Font Skeleton!

Love Colored Mushroom
Complete the Smashmouth Swamp challenge!

Kill the Aluminum Slime!

Guess who's back? Back again? Kirisame's back, tell a friend!
Complete the Animus Woods challenge!

Wolfed Down
Kill the Animus Wolf!

Touhou Quiz!
Complete the Scarlet Devil Mansion Challenge!

Gaze into the Gazer...
Kill the Scarlet Gazer!

Complete the Antifa Fortress challenge!

Emperor! I've failed you!
Kill the Nippon Yakuza!

Take it Easy!
Complete the Dalton Maze challenge!

Kill the Dalton Streetgang!

Cousin of the Cosmic Destroyer
Defeat Miiue.

Gaia away.
Defeat Gaia.

A cold wind...on your shoulder...
Start the Genocide Route.

Who's Bad?
Finish the Moonwalker arcade game!

Fox News Ending
Complete the game as a conservative!

Complete the game as a Liberal!

Ein Reich! Ein Volk! Ein Fuhrer!
Complete the game as a fascist!

Soviet Glory!
Complete the game as a communist!

Long live the Monarchy!
Complete the game unaffiliated!

This bad time is inexplicable!
Defeat Miiue...in the Genocide Route.

Gaia Gone
Defeat Gaia...in the Genocide Route.

Cosmic Creator
Kill God (Who is called Bob)...

Triple Donkey Threat!
Complete the game as a conservative...in the Genocide Route.

Fight oppression by oppressing others!
Complete the game as a liberal...in the Genocide Route.

The Reich That Will Last More Than a Thousand Years!
Complete the game as a fascist...in the Genocide Route.

Gulag Time
Complete the game as a communist...in the Genocide Route.

Complete the game unaffiliated...in the Genocide Route.